CBT(Competency-Based Training)  is a teaching and assessment approach based and focused on the competency of students. This training program contains three modules:

  • Competency Based Teaching Methodologies
  • CBT Training Assessment Methodologies and Practise
  • CBT Design Competency Based Learning Programs

Teaching using a competency-based model is very different from the traditional model of education where credits are awarded based on how much time students spent learning. To be a great competency based teacher you need to be able to manage and inspire students to prove they have mastered competencies—the skills, abilities, and knowledge required in an area of study.

Training assessment and feedback are critical elements in a competency-based training model because this is the component of CBT where a teacher measures mastery. To put it simply: In competency-based education, assessment is used as both a teaching tool, a training tool, a gauge of students’ competency and as a method to ensure a student is able to demonstrate what they are able to do. As a master teacher you will need to develop a new, specialised range of assessment methods and learn how to effectively apply.

In order to master competency based Training and Assessment a skilled teacher needs to be able to design an effective quality learning program. In this hands on practical course learners will gain the skills and knowledge required to conceptualise, design, develop and review quality CBT learning programs to meet an identified need for a group of learners. During this course, learners will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to identify the parameters of a learning program, determine its design, outline the content, and review its effectiveness.